Features |
Number of personal profiles supported |
1 |
1 |
1 |
unlimited |
Number of pre-built meal plan types available |
18 |
41 |
55 |
55 |
Free EZON mobile app download |
Meal plan reports |
Grocery list reports |
Nutrient analysis reports |
Calorie tracking reports |
Exercise log reports |
Custom recipe creator |
Add custom foods |
Food log to track calories consumed |
Exercise log to track calories burned |
fitbit wearables syncronization |
Daily inspirational messages to EZON mobile |
Video tutorial training |
Chat customer support |
EZON Professional Edition Only |
Administration client manager panel |
Add additional administrators to account |
Change graphics and colors |
Turn features on/off |
Coach messaging system |
Customize emailed greeting to clients |
Contest module |
Client population body comp reports |
Add custom foods for clients |
Add custom recipes for clients |
Add custom documents for clients |
Meal plan utilites manager |
Design custom meal plans |
Administrative Company Console |
Contest reporting |
Private label branding option |
Reseller program |
Telephone support |